

News & Events

Upcoming Events

  • Annual Meeting and Picnic April 30, 2022
  • Lunch is at 12 Noon, Meeting will begin at 1PM
  • Annual clean up day is April 16, 2022

Community Update


The annual member picnic and meeting will be April 30th, 2022 so mark your calendars now!  Our annual clean up is day is back, please join your neighbors on April 16th to help collect trash along our roads.

We approved our annual donations of to ELBVFD and CTWC. In case you haven't driven through the park lately, the VFD has acquired a fire/rescue boat that is permanently in the water. The dock is situated at the far end of the park and will be for the exclusive use of the VFD.

Please check our website at for information about our neighborhood, and let us know if you have any questions.

Central Texas Water Coalition

Use this link to get the latest information.

 Central Texas Water Coalition Updates


The primary goal for Firewise landscaping is fuel reduction — limiting the amount of flammable vegetation and materials surrounding the home and increasing the moisture content of remaining vegetation. The home itself and everything around it up to 100 – 200 feet is known as the ‘home ignition zone.’ In areas across the country where the risk of wildfire is high, the home ignition zone extends up to 200 feet beyond the actual home structure. Dave Mothersole, our new FireWise Committee Chairperson, is willing to work with lot owners if they need help in determining what needs to be cleared.

The LCRA website also provides information on the drought and its impact on water availability.

CCS and Management of Oak Wilt (reference TFS website)

New oak wilt infections are created when sap-feeding beetles carry oak wilt spores to fresh cuts or wounds on oaks. Tree sap from fresh wounds can attract sap-feeding beetles that may be carrying these oak wilt spores. When these spores are introduced to the wound, a new oak wilt infection is created. To prevent this from occurring, TFS recommends to:

1) Avoid pruning or wounding oaks from February through June.

2) Immediately paint cuts or wounds on oaks, regardless of season.

Wounding includes but is not limited to: pruning, construction activities, animal damage, land clearing, lawnmower or string trimmer damage, and storm damage. Oak wilt spores and increased beetle activity occur in spring; therefore avoid pruning or wounding oaks during this most vulnerable time. Fresh wounds produce sap which in turn attract sap-feeding beetles; therefore apply paint to pruning cuts or other wounds immediately to prevent spore-carrying beetles from visiting your oak. Any type of paint will accomplish this task. These recommendations apply only to oaks as only oaks are susceptible to oak wilt.

Other preventative measures include using caution when selecting and transporting oak wilt killed firewood and destroying diseased red oaks that can potentially produce oak wilt spores. Please review the Oak Wilt in Texas section of the TFS website for detailed information or contact your regional TFS forester.

Oak Wilt -

How to identify and manage oak wilt  

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